Professional direction
This academic year I am enrolled in a 32 week long UX course at Hyper Island in Sweden. It is mainly conducted online, but we have three gatherings at the campus in Karlskrona throughout the course. I was excited to find this opportunity to deepen my knowledge in UX – after having this particular school on my radar for many years. 
The school emphasises self-driven exploration and team work, and invites people from the industry to lead the different course modules. 
I had some knowledge of UX and digital design going into the course but I find now that the experience is giving me a richer understanding of the UX role, technology, collaboration and creative work. I am starting to feel impatient to apply everything we have learned in this course in a professional setting.
Courses, courses and more courses
I am also doing smaller courses online (I've become a course addict!) to improve in various areas. The courses I am following right now are: Dan Scott's Figma UI UX Design Advanced, Freecodecamp's Responsive Web Design certificate, Colt Steele's Web Developer Bootcamp (staying in the HTML and CSS chapters for now) and drawing courses on 
Current location
I am based in Norway after some years of moving here and there between countries.
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